HireRight suggests organisations may lose out if they decide to axe remote working options this year as the world moves towards a “post-pandemic” environment.
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — There could be a reset in the remote working trend that has taken a hold worldwide, according to the results of a survey undertaken by HireRight, which predicted 2022 will see many employers reassessing their approach to work-from-home options, whether or not to a favourable outcome.
HireRight recently published the survey’s findings in a global benchmark repot that “explores trends and attitudes from people professionals around the world”.
“Globally, most businesses are looking to revisit their remote working policies, with many planning to be more flexible around remote working in the future,” according to HireRight’s report.
It added, “While it may be difficult to predict if attitudes to remote working would have been so drastically changed by so many businesses had it not been for the global pandemic forcing many into a remote working model, it seems very unlikely that — even if the tide was changing to be more inclusive and supportive of remote working — that it would have been broadly reconsidered so soon by so many.”
A permanent option?
HireRight noted that while some organisations seem to be speeding towards a return to traditional forms of work, some major international corporations have actually shifted towards keeping remote working options permanent going forward.
“For some businesses — including global social media giants Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; technology/software companies including Microsoft, Slack, Spotify and Salesforce; and financial services companies including American Express and Nationwide — permanent remote working is something that has already been offered to some (and in many cases all) employees,” HireRight pointed out.
“Meanwhile, other companies have taken the opposite view and have publicly stated they intend to return to the office as soon as they are allowed to — a move [that] may impact their retention rates, with many workers now expecting remote working, or at least a degree of flexibility, to be a part of the way they work post-pandemic.”
The group added, “With economies starting to recover and more companies starting to hire again, those who show greater acceptance of remote working first may have an advantage when attracting new workers, especially if individuals have gotten used to remote working over the last year and would prefer not to return to the office nine to five and the morning and evening commutes.”
You can find opportunities to work remotely via Remote Worker
HireRight 2021 Global Benchmark Report “Back to the Future of Work” - https://www.hireright.com/PDFs/2021_Benchmark_Global_Report.pdf