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Employees’ opinion of working from home slowly becoming more positive

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Most Brits are unwilling to give up remote work.

Employees’ opinion of working from home slowly becoming more positive

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — The working population is slowly starting to realise and embrace the benefits of working remotely, according to the findings of a HubbleHQ survey.

In outlining the report’s findings, technology organisation Cybercrew said, “If there was ever a time to prove to your boss you could get more done in a day, if only he’d let you stay in the comfort of your home, it would be in 2021.

“Amid the pandemic and causal lockdown, many of us experienced the charms of working from home.”

Zoning in on how the perception of remote working has steadily changed during such unprecedented times, it added, “Most people tend to take home working for granted and don’t realise how beneficial it could be for their business.”

However, HubbleHQ noted that in 2020, “61 per cent of UK workers changed their perception of working remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic” and a whopping “92 per cent of those admitted the change was for the better”.

Based on this, Cybercrew asserted, “The majority generally isn’t aware of how things are when working from home, but according to HubbleHQ’s survey, that trend is changing.

“People have started to realise that working from home can be as productive as working from the office.”

Not everyone buys in

As remote working steadily became more and more normalised amid the pandemic, HubbleHQ found that among UK workers in 2020, 15 per cent said they would prefer to work from home daily.

However, up to the time the survey was completed, 71 per cent of workers in the UK still firmly believed their company should have an office; some 40 per cent said the office was still their ideal workplace; and as much as 84 percent said they would want to sit and talk with their team every day.

To this, Cybercrew commented, “We can see that people still prefer to attend meetings in person rather than have them online. Some things are simpler to explain when you are in the same room with your colleagues, which could easily be misinterpreted during a remote session.”

Nonetheless, with more recent developments as it relates to home working as 2021 drew to a close, it remains to be seen how much those findings have changed since the last survey results were published, with some other surveys suggesting that perception of remote working has shifted even further over time.

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