Monthly Archives: January 2023

British workers want more remote work overseas in 2023

Research finds 1 in 5 British employees plan to work remotely this year LONDON, ENGLAND — Even as the debate about remote work continues in the United Kingdom, far more British workers plan to work remotely this year than did last year. Remote and hybrid forms of work that allow staff to work from home…
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Stigma towards remote work is decreasing

Research on stigma surrounding remote work is ongoing LONDON, ENGLAND — It’s been a long time coming but the stigma surrounding remote work in the United Kingdom seems to be gradually decreasing. This is likely in part due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw most businesses shift to remote work as a…
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ILO says flex work is a ‘win-win’ for everyone

Labour organisation says the more work-life balance, the better for businesses and employees LONDON, ENGLAND — There’s no question that remote work has been outpacing in-person jobs when it comes to work-life balance. But a newly released study is questioning whether that can be improved even further for the best possible outcome for both businesses…
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Remote jobs consistently popular in the UK

Even amid recession fears, workers still demand remote work more than anything LONDON, ENGLAND — More than three years after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically increased the instance of remote work across the world, remote jobs remain wildly popular among the UK workforce. [caption id="attachment_3828" align="alignright" width="194"] Remote Worker CEO Joseph Boll.[/caption] This…
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