Tag Archives: flexible work

Remote work is good for company culture

Multiple studies find remote work improves workplace relations LONDON, ENGLAND — A new study has found that remote work can actually improve company culture rather than harm it, making another case for the sustained benefits of remote jobs. Some companies that resisted remote work did so out of the fear that it would disrupt company…
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Remote work inspires workers to redefine “work”

The introduction of remote work has permanently changed how employees view work LONDON, ENGLAND — The modern workforce continues to shift, adapt and evolve. What it means to work, and what that looks like, has irreversibly changed since the COVID-19 pandemic, no matter whether more archaic employers choose to cling to the past or not.…
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Increased tension over remote jobs in the UK

LinkedIn: Flexibility top priority for workers, but not for companies LONDON, ENGLAND — A foreboding question mark looms over the British labour market as tensions over the issue of remote work continue to increase. Dozens of studies and research have shown that workers and job seekers in the UK highly value remote work. The popularity…
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Private sector more likely to offer remote jobs

IT and administrative jobs, managerial positions more likely to have remote work LONDON, ENGLAND — Private companies are more likely to offer remote jobs, according to new data analysed by the UK Parliament. The information was revealed in an assessment of the impact of remote, hybrid and flexible working models on employees and employers alike.…
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