Monthly Archives: June 2023

Why ‘when and where’ matter: How flexibility affects job satisfaction

It may be time to start thinking of flexibility as more than just an optional job ‘perk’; workers are more likely to quit without it. Giving employees the flexibility to leave their physical office space and step outside of the 9-5 routine is still considered a lucky “perk” by some businesses. Even with #FlexFrom1st growing…
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Remote working ‘Anna’ is a myth, but raises valid concerns

Viral images suggesting what remote workers could look like in the future have caused outrage. [caption id="attachment_4120" align="alignright" width="248"] (Photo: Furniture@Work)[/caption] If you’ve been on social media over the past few days, you may have been introduced to “Anna.” She’s a 3D model whose physical appearance is not too easy on the eyes, with a…
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Fewer eyes on you: One more way UK’s remote culture is winning

Study finds UK employers are more likely to skip the surveillance “bossware” for remote workers. [caption id="attachment_4106" align="alignright" width="373"] Most UK employers aren't excessively monitoring their staff. (Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels)[/caption] If you thought micromanagement went away because more people are working from home at least part of the time, think again. What’s…
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Remote workers need vacay too: The importance of unplugging when you work from home

Just because you can work from the pool, it doesn’t mean you should! Productivity among remote workers has become something of a paradoxical subject. It’s been widely proven that staff tend to get the most work done when they work remotely. But at the same time, remote workers tend to be too productive, often working…
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